Monthly Archives: February 2021

Dark to Light


In what seems like the blink of an eye we find ourselves in February 2021 and I have not added to this blog throughout the Plandemic that we have seen playing out. I have shared on other social media platforms and during the ‘Covid-19’ creation of the deep state I have lost ‘friends’ (they weren’t really friends then were they?) and I have connected with many more beautiful Souls. There have been many moments where I have been accused of lacking compassion throughout this crisis that was far from natural. The dis-ease of humanity shoved into their faces in the form of a muzzle to keep them quiet and to suppress the organic life force that flows through them; their breath. The thing that keeps us alive. If you don’t breathe then that’s it. Game Over.

I have never said that people are not leaving this physical existence. They are and it has always been. As much as we are infinite consciousness and are connected to ‘all that ever has been and ever will be’ I too miss my family members and close friends who have left the physical and I too don’t look forward when I have to say ‘Goodbye’ to the presence of more of them as they leave our current reality. Human emotions can hurt but we can’t live in fear. We can’t stop breathing simply to stop us feeling. Anxiety, fear, worry, stress, guilt, trauma and all of those things that make your mind go into overdrive and your body tense up. The human body is an amazing self-healing creation of Love yet when we let the ‘monsters’ creep in they take over and set up shop within your energetic home. These crafty little buggers will convince you that you are the threat. They whisper in your ear that you are to blame for it all. If only you would do what you are told then we will all be okay. These fuckers (no apologies for any language) will play with your mind and your emotions. You will be shaken back and forth as they attempt to dislodge any sanity that resides within you. You will be pushed and pulled in every direction if you allow yourself to be.

I would not be speaking my truth if I did not say just how shocked I have been since it all kicked off in March 2020. If you think this ‘pandemic’ just appeared out of nowhere then you need to think again. I am hearing the Meatloaf song ‘Bat out of Hell’. The bat is not as relevant as the hell part is. The belly of the Beast spewing more bile for the many to see. Many of us saw the Beast prior to this as the Anti-Christ energy permeated the world. I for one always knew this world wasn’t right. Nothing about it felt right. Well, some things did hence my love of long walks in nature on my own and my journey over the last 20 years in particular. My Soul knew what was ‘right’ and I ‘left’ the rest behind. I discarded the indoctrination and I mashed up the mind control. My superpowers began to amplify more over the years and I could see through, not only the complete bullshit we are fed but the egos and the natures of many who profess to be of the Light. I had not attributed the words ‘false Light’ to them but as time went on I could sense the discordant frequencies amongst some. There were many moments that I have observed that made me question and I stepped back from many. I am not here to name and shame as others may resonate with them yet I pray that the Light of Source/Creator shines brightly to illuminate the darkness.

I have had moments of sadness, frustration, anger (it’s not always easy watching others fall off the cliff) and I have had many more of love, joy, bliss, expansion and realisation over this last year. I often share a little on Facebook yet never make time to type at length. The energy in social media is such a pic ‘n’ mix… an assortment of energies; some that are all soft and fluffy (think marshmallows) and some that are so hard and rigid they would break your teeth; think Gobstoppers and those who are so set in their programmed ways they are ready to energetically smash your teeth out! I send love as much as that sounds like a complete cliche at times. What else can I do except share some information, insights, videos and hope that someone hears the alarm clock and wakes up and takes notice. If they sleep in they will still arrive there but they may be a little late and they will be playing catch up for a while. Many will hang their heads in shame when the penny drops. Many will sit and reflect on the days they avoided people in the street as they visually measured out how far away to stand. Many will sit in the sunshine breathing deeply and giving thanks for still being here and remembering all those times they wore a mask while they walked around the supermarket. Some wore their masks like Superheros as they could see through the movie plot yet still chose to play a masked character. Others did not realise it was a movie set and they heard the Director ask them to keep playing the role of the submissive. The masks, the chains, the abuse, the constriction. Like the Dominatrix with the one who begs to be whipped many lined up to receive the abuse that was being dished out. In some weird sadistic way many requested that others ‘take the knee’ and metaphorically give Bojo a blow-job. What else will you do to feel free? I am using extreme images to make you think.

This movie has seen many women be given lead roles. Many remembering all that they were over numerous incarnations and the innate abilities they always held but were never revered in this lifetime. There were those who would step back in fear even from those who held the Christ-Light. The Light of compassion, consideration and completeness. The wholeness of the heart of Creation. I always saw and sensed much more than I could encompass within my words. Even when I shared my words very few actually listened. My connection to Creator is much stronger than my concern over the others.

There are those who stare at the screen while they munch their popcorn and know it is all an illusion. They go through the emotions with the characters and they enjoy the story whilst knowing that it is not real. There are movie sets, actors, actresses (since when did women have to call themselves actors… that annoys me too…transhuman baphomet-worshipping bollocks at play), extras (NPCs), producers (think CGI = computer generated images) and the Director (the puppeteers/hidden hand/cabal/elite/illuminati/The Phoenicians) There is an elaborate display to evade the truth. I cannot always explain the plot of every story to everyone who enters the cinema.

It was after the supposed terrorist attack of 9-11 in America that I really began to take notice. I still watched the News back then yet I would often have this inner knowing that what I was watching and what I was feeling inside did not match up. It is difficult when you first realise that there are those who would murder their ‘own people’ (they are not fully human and they don’t see us as worthy of being here) to keep control and power. It is even more ‘way out there’ when you know that there are ‘aliens’ (not the word they use but a word that gives you a concept you can identify with) that are evil and they are the ones pulling the strings. I know, I know. When I first took the red pill it took me a while to swallow it too. You have to swallow not spit (I intend to make you smile as you awaken further!) and you have to let the truth be felt throughout all of your Being.

I have always had a strong moral compass and although there were times I let others make me question myself I always found my way back on track. When you are here to shine your Light and really make a difference then many will be placed on your path to lure you away. The Big Bad Wolf will pretend to be the cute grandma so you take the lethal injection. The images placed there to instil fear and to invoke a sense of responsibility and obligation. Many are too afraid to say NO to that which insults their Soul for fear of reprisals.

“I will huff and I will puff and I will fuck up your life” says The Big Bad Wolf.

Those that only see the cute grandma that is paraded in front of them let the BBW into their home and the BBW eats them up.

We are all here on Earth playing our part and how aware of that you are or not will constantly change. I have gone through so many shifts and changes over the years and allow myself to stay open to change.

There may be others that I used to resonate with that I no longer do and there may be a video I shared 3 weeks ago that I vibed with in that moment and now with more awareness and insights I may not resonate with it any more. There are many who get fixated with the ‘one Source’ as in an external person on a social media platform who gives ‘dates’ or ‘predictions’. I observe it all and I feel into every moment and allow myself that space and opportunity to course-correct. I suggest you do the same. Do not blindly follow myself or anyone else. Do not sit staring at the screen until you are comatose. The ‘one Source’ is within you. It is your own God particle, the energy, consciousness and divine spark that is uniquely yours. We are all drops in the ocean or that individual snowflake. We are all perfect expressions of that which needs to be experienced through that one energy stream and prism of Light.

I am straight-talking and I have learnt not to take any shit. My cosmic ninja warrior steps up when a ‘good fight’ needs to be fought. Never about attack yet defending the truth. Many will attempt to condemn or belittle those that hold the Sword of Truth and wear the armour of the Divine. This is a spiritual war and it did not simply start in 2020. This war has gone on for aeons and many of us have been battling to keep the Light on. We knew that if we did not hold the Light Quotient that the blackout would eradicate Life as many would wander aimlessly as they could not see nor could they feel their way through.

There are those like myself who have been perceived by others as being kinda weird or spooky or 2 more words that have been the bane of my life and others ‘Conspiracy Theorist’. A phrase used by the C.I.A (think Communism in America) to discredit anyone who even touched on the truth never mind all of those who laid their life on the line in the name of Truth. Those of us who see and know love the world. We love all that is heavenly and harmonious. We have had to exist in a world that sucked our life force dry at every opportunity. We have had to look around and not identify with much of what we saw and we would struggle to make deep heart-felt connections with others. Targeted individuals the flame of our Divinity would be blown out so often we learnt to keep a lighter and a box of matches at hand at all times. Survival training comes in handy and I have done 52 years so far this lifetime. I have broken arrows at my throat, walked over broken glass, walked over hot coals several times and taken the slings and arrows of misfortune. I have been beaten and broken yet I never gave up and I never will. I may be small in stature but my Soul cannot be compromised.

I give thanks to all of those Brave Warrior Souls who keep going and continue to show up, speak up and Shine Out. For everyone here on Earth at this time. This is Biblical. This is life-changing. This is a movie to watch and enjoy. I hear you. I see you. I see it all. I am not always shown the ending yet I know you will only walk out before the end if you make that choice to.

You have a choice. You can make a new choice in every moment.