Monthly Archives: January 2014

Happy New You, Happy New Me, Happy New Us


Happy New You, Happy New Me, Happy New Us

It’s been a wee while since I posted on here and oh how the days fly by when we are on this amazing journey we call LIFE. Over the last month I have lost my voice (peace, I heard some people remark!) where I learnt so much in that silence, watching those around me and realising why my voice had decided to disappear for a few days. It was all part of a deep inner healing that was taking place once more. I realised I still had ‘anger’ inside me that needed to be transmuted and if my voice had been present I may have verbalised this anger out to others (as I perceived them to be the ’cause’ of it) I had to sit in my self-imposed silence and work through it on another level, to transcend the ‘he did this, she said that’ mentality that my ego was pulling me in to and look at the core beliefs within me. Layers of limiting beliefs that I had picked up over the years were intertwined with the ‘all-knowing powerful Light being’ that I knew myself to be. Once again, the opposing sides needed to be reconciled, to be honoured and to be balanced. My inner child needed more recognition (she shouts SO loudly when I forget her!) and I was guided yet again to look at what was around me and how I had contributed to that. When I give my inner child what she needs she is happy and therefore so am I. Once my voice returned I then developed a nasty barking cough, which in metaphysical terms is a desire to ‘bark at the world’ LISTEN TO ME! yet again I listened to my internal guidance system and acknowledged where I felt that those around were not listening to what I was saying (was I not listening to what I was saying?)
January so far has been a ‘testing’ time on many levels yet when I am at my premises doing readings and the messages are flowing so easily from the Spirit world, I feel alive, I feel the real me… the ego steps aside as I allow myself to simply BE and pass on the messages and the love. My true Source-eress self knows that I am a divine being of pure Light incarnated in this physical body for the purposes of her Soul’s expansion…
the ‘me’ that resides in this world and has been busy cleaning, doing the dishes and catching up with other ‘jobs’ blesses every thing and gives thanks for the opportunity to come back here once again and ‘give it another go’!! All Power to me!
All power (and respect) to all of you too for we have all made this choice; we chose our bodies, our personalities, our lives, our ups, our downs…
God Bless every single one of you and God Bless us all as a unified being simply doing the very best we can at every given moment.
Dawn xx