Tag Archives: bliss

Follow your bliss


Follow your bliss

So many of us right now are feeling our Soul calling to us; shouting louder as it attempts to get us to really LISTEN. Prompting us to sit in quiet contemplation and listen to that inner voice, the longing of our heart, the singing of our soul as it serenades us into rapture at the beauty of it all. Allowing our heart to open fully and allowing ourselves to soak into every cell and pore the love that is divinely ours. The awakening that is taking place within so many of us as we hear ‘OUR’ song being sung from the heavens and we feel ourselves truly feel alive and bathed in that LOVE . As we allow the illusion of fear to wash away, we embrace the love that was there just waiting for us to be ready. The time is NOW.

Emerging into the Light


Emerging into the Light

Well, what an amazing few days it has been in this wonderful world of mine (and yours!) The messages that are being passed on from the Spirit world to those here in the physical realm are absolutely amazing and I have said it before and I will say it again (probably thousands of times!) that I feel so blessed to be the bridge between the realms. The clarity of these messages have increased and it is as if the sense of urgency has increased too.. the need for our loved ones who have crossed over to remind us that even though the physical self is no longer with us their Soul is eternal. On Sunday whilst holding a small workshop we all experienced something that words can barely describe… it was a experience I can only say was the ‘closest to God I have ever felt’. The others there had their own personal experience bathed in this Source energy and we all were bathing in the Bliss for some time afterwards. I knew that something extremely magical had happened in that space, it was as if we stepped into a different dimension and there was no seperation. For me on a personal level, it was another lesson in letting myself be used safely as a channel for the Angels to pass on their messages and energy. Any notes I had pre-written were left lying on the floor as I allowed myself to simply channel & thank you God and the Angels for the words you shared via me.
I have been out walking tonight and everything suddenly reminded me of The Celestine Prophecy. I felt drawn to wrap my arms around one of the large trees and connect with nature & could feel another energy shift. I looked around in awe as the sense of oneness was palpable; everything I thought I already knew suddenly took on a new level. The vibration of Mother Earth and the threads of energy that surround me are now helping me raise my vibration even further. Any last remnants of my 3d reality are slipping away (thank you God!!) as I allow myself to unfold and emerge fully into my Lightbody and true self, the me I came here to be, the me that knows what she is doing and always has done. The I AM that just is.
I know that there will be people ‘out there’ who do not fully understand this or why I am changing so rapidly and for this I do not have an easy explanation on a ‘human’ level if that is what you are looking for but we are all as ‘one’ and interconnected (think quantum physics) and if I allow myself to be who I know I am then I give you the freedom to be who you are. As each day passes I know that I cannot hide who I am nor the abilities I have, the awareness I have gained, the insights I am gaining. I know that I am here to help guide others to find their true selves and see the beautiful Light that shines inside of them too. As I mentioned at the workshop on Sunday it is time for ‘the charge of the Light Brigade’ so pick up your spiritual tools and march forward as we help raise this planet to a higher vibration so we can all fully live in peace, in harmony and most importantly, in LOVE.
thank you for reading this and I wish you every happiness. Dawn xx